you still move a TON, sometimes ending up perpendicular in your crib to the way we put you down in there. you kick and kick and kick....sometimes if we lay you on the boppy pillow on your belly it seems as if you might send yourself rocketing over it head first when you push with your feet!!
you love to watch greta and will smile at her when she talks to you. you like to lay and look at your butterfly mobile, and you LOVE to watch the spiders in the bouncy seat (thanks janet!). all your movement can really get that seat bouncing, which then sends the dangling spiders swinging around....and then you get startled by their movement.
you are a good eater. you are pretty quick with nursing, although you are still spitting up out your nose quite a bit. you seem to like being outside, and if you are crying sometimes it helps to take you outside and walk around with you. although, you don't really cry all that often. you cry when you are hungry or if you need a change of scenery (as in, "mama i am truly done looking at these dangly spiders, can you please get me out of this bouncy seat!").
and you love to be on your belly. giving you a bottle has proved to be a bit of a challenge until papa discovered to sort of lay you on your side (as close to being on your belly as possible) and it seems to be going more smoothly.
thank you for being such a mild, easygoing little guy. we would love you just the same no matter what, but you are truly happy and sweet and i can't wait to see what sorts of things you have to tell me about tomorrow.
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