Monday, January 21, 2008

Recipe for Disaster

Recipe: What do you get when you take one part 3 month old baby girl, add in bit of infant startle reflex, a slice of not wanting to be in a swaddle blanket and top it off with a case of early teething?

Well, you get a little Greta that fights going to sleep, wakes up when you put her down unswaddled, battles the blanket when you wrap her up, and if you happen to make your way through all that, wakes up wailing with sore gums... let's just say the non-crying Greta that went to sleep at 9 PM, and woke up at 5 AM for a short feed and then slept until 8 AM, well, that Greta is on vacation for a little while, and mom and dad are getting just a bit less sleep....

Hopefully she's returns from her migration down south when the weather gets warmer!

1 comment:

Janet Nawroth said...

I can't even believe Greta is teething already! Wow, hang in there you two. I'm sure this gets better too.