Saturday, February 9, 2008

mommy blogging

joe recently taught me how to put pictures on the blog....and after several failed attempts i have figured it out. really, this blog entry is just to pat my technologically-challenged self on the back. but i thought i could share a cute picture stacy took of greta and gavin recently. many of you may have seen this picture on gavin's blog, as stacy is much more adept at blogging than i am. this picture is from one of our recent trips to the gillard house for an afternoon of fun. several people have asked me what takes place on these "playdates", seeing as the kids can't quite play yet. pretty much we do all the things we would be doing with our babies at home (feeding, changing, etc) but we get to have adult conversation mixed in with all the coos and babbles. i feel so lucky to have such fantastic mommies (and babies) to share all of this with. i can't wait til they get older and really start to play.

1 comment:

Stacy Gillard said...

SO much fun - and good job Melanie. Once you figure out how to add stuff to the blog - it is addicting... so beware!! So fun to have Gavin and Greta grow up together... it is just so special! And, that was such a fun day (at least for us...) Stacy