Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Swim Lessons

here are some pics from greta's swim lesson this week. this was her third lesson, and joe went with us this time to take pictures and to see greta in the pool. at the beginning of the class the instructor has the parent blow bubbles so that the child can see (and eventually copy) this skill. the first two weeks i was blowing bubbles while greta looked around at other kids and at whatever. this week i noticed that she was watching me and laughing when i was blowing bubbles. i guess that's the first step. the pictures are of us swimming to the side and holding on to the side. we also do some floating and kicking. in the video you can see greta "jumping" in and her underwater swim that they do at the end of the class. overall i think she enjoys her time in the pool. at least in the one photo she looks pretty happy about it.

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