Friday, September 26, 2008

she's a keeper

does anyone else think babies at this age are amazing?? i feel like everyday greta is demonstrating some new word, trick, or talent that she has learned. like when we were in the grocery on tuesday and an old lady walked by us and was talking to greta. i said, "say hi" to invite greta to wave. and then she literally opened her mouth and said, "hi". it sounded more like "iiiiiieeee" but she was waving as she said it. and she keeps saying it and saying it. this morning when joe got her out of bed, she waved and said, "hi baby" to the doll that sits on her windowsill. what??!!! she put two words together??!! genius.

or on wednesday when she pulled a baby wipe out of the wipes container. and, because she has a runny nose (and i didn't feel like getting up), i said, "wipe your nose please". and she did.

or monday when she pointed to the stroller and then to the door to indicate to joe that she wanted to go for a walk. so they did.

the best (in my opinion) this week was thursday. greta and i went to a store down on mainstrasse to continue our desperate search for a dirndl dress for greta to wear on halloween. wow, was this store PACKED with stuff. i mean, to the gills. think antique store but way more crowded and much much smaller. every inch of the store (which was an old row house) was packed with trinkets, knick knacks, and whathaveyou. i could barely breathe, i felt so clausterphobic. and i definitely could not put greta down to explore on her own, and there was no chance of the stroller fitting anywhere in this store. so i'm holding her, and she's reaching out for anything and everything (oh, yes i see that porcelain birdy statue. oh wow, that is a neat little glass figurine......). and all of the sudden she practically jumps out of my arms. she's grunting, she's screaming, she's pointing. and i look.....and there on the shelf of this store sits this tiny angel figurine. EXACTLY like the one i have on my nightstand (don't ask) that greta grabs EVERY morning. how in the world she spotted this one thing in this room full of STUFF, i have no idea. it was pretty amazing.

i always thought that 3 year olds were my "favorite" as far as ages of children goes. but so far, 11 and a half months is a pretty fun stage too.....

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