Tuesday, April 28, 2009


i remember a few months back i posted about all the words greta could say as well as understand. i also commented about the language "explosion" that is developmentally supposed to happen around 18 months. for greta, this has meant she is stringing words together. like, REALLY putting words together on her own.
she has been able to repeat phrases for a while, but these have mostly been phrases we have taught her or word combinations she has picked up from us. you know, quality speech like "who dey" and "no piggies on the table" and other useful phrases like "help please" and "all done". but in the past few weeks, she has been putting 2 and 3 and sometimes 4 words together.
like today at the blue manatee bookstore. she and this 3 year old boy were sitting next to each other, looking at books. i thought it was the cutest thing i had ever seen....until that boy gave greta a book to look at and she looked at him and said, "thank you boy". i almost passed out.

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