Friday, May 1, 2009


so today is my official due date. may 1st. nothing much on the calendar except "have baby today".

i had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and there is not much progress in the baby-arrival-department. the baby's head is down, and i am a little bit "effaced" but my cervix is still closed. awesome.

so what does all that mean? well, it means that we are officially scheduled for a cesarean section for tuesday may 12th. which gives my body and this baby almost 2 more weeks to get in sync and start makin' things happen. if the baby doesn't come on his own by may 12th, the doctor's are goin' in after him.

this is all so strange. all this waiting. all this anticipating. with greta arriving almost 3 weeks early and in the manner that she did, there wasn't time for thinking about how it all might happen. thank goodness i am still feeling pretty fantastic physically....i feel like i can be pregnant a few more days (or weeks) if that means the baby might get to arrive on his own. it feels strange to have picked his birthday. the 12th.....just like his big sister. easy for his papa to remember.

so now we wait....
or i guess we keep waiting....
fingers crossed for going into labor before may 12th.
but no matter how he arrives, we just hope he's happy and healthy and can't wait to meet him...

1 comment:

Gramps said...

Something about this post and the stylin below. Could it be Fritz might see what is waiting for him? A sister in wristbands and patent leather shoes. Lets pause this thing a while mom.