Sunday, November 8, 2009

to otto, our 6 month old big boy!

it's amazing how well you can sit now, all by yourself. you like to sit and watch yourself in the mirror, but mostly you like to sit where you can see greta. you still topple over sometimes, because you are often reaching and leaning. but you mostly have it mastered. we have also seen you on all fours (belly off the floor) a few times, which is scary to think about you crawling sometime soon! but you are definitely a today when you somehow turned over on your belly in the bouncy seat and wiggled your way out the bottom!! you continue to be hard to hold, because you are always moving around, trying to see what there is to touch or chew or look at.
you LOVE to be outside or even look will stare out the window at the leaves blowing in the trees. you like to look at books too, but while mama is trying to read them to you, you are constantly trying to grab them and pull them to your mouth. teething is your favorite pasttime will chew on ANYTHING. your two bottom, front teeth are visible under your gums, so it's just a matter of time.
you are starting to be a sort of mama's boy. you like to suck your thumb and snuggle on mama, even if only for a second before having to lift your head up and see what you might be missing out on. and in the evenings, you are grumpy if you can see mama and i'm not holding you.
you laugh and smile so easily, and when you do you sort of bury your head like you're sort of shy. you still will smile at anyone who will notice you, making you a very social little guy. you babble all the time, making "mama" and "dada" sounds in addition to other ones. sometimes when we sing or play music, you "talk" really loudly, almost as if you're singing.
you like being in your exersaucer lately, and seem to like that "fishy" toy on it the best. and we don't want to jinx it, but it seems like you are finally starting to spit up less. at least it doesn't seem like you're wearing a bib all hours of the day. and you LOVE bathtime, especially now that you can sit up. you slip and slide all over the place, though, because you are constantly trying to splash or reach toys. now that you're 6 months, we're ready to try baby food with you. i can't wait to see what you think of that!!

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