Monday, February 14, 2011

love day

greta came home from school today with her bag of valentines from her classmates. she was very serious about pulling each one out of the bag one at at time, looking at it and wanting to know who it was from. if it had a heart on it, she would say, "and that means that i LOVE natalie" or whoever the card was from. i think she really enjoyed looking at them, but she was so stoic and serious that it's hard to tell. i do know that she was busting-at-the-seams excited to take HER valentines to school today to pass out. she was definitely tickled that each of her teachers made her a valentine.
it's amazing how little it takes to spark joy with children. i made heart shaped pancakes today for breakfast, served them up on heart shaped plates and you would've thought i'd presented greta with a lifetime supply of dolls or toys or candy. she was was so cute. and so easy. i also handmade each of the kids a valentine, and she kept looking at it and saying, "you MADE this? for ME?" it was literally red paper and sharpie marker....nothing fancy. through the eyes of a child.....

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