Tuesday, April 22, 2008

water baby

today i took greta for her first swim "lesson". she LOVES bath time so i figured she would feel the same about being in the pool. when we walked into the pool area, she started going, "ooh. ooh. ooh". i don't know if this was because she was excited or because it was so warm in there. she was all decked out in her swimsuit, showing off all those chubby rolls. i think she had fun. she seemed sort of indifferent about it. but she did lots of splashing like she does in the tub, and seemed to enjoy making friends with the other swimmers and watching the waterslide area (lots of spraying water). she did some kicking, some floating, and one underwater swim with mommy's help. she also practiced "jumping" in from the edge. i think joe is going to go with us next week so we'll have more pictures. i think having her in the water at this age is great, and hopefully between the swimming lessons and our upcoming time at the pool this summer, she will learn to love the water.

1 comment:

Grandma Joan said...

I wonder if Greta's mom remembers "water babies" as a child? We had the same experience at the local "Y" when she was little.

Grandma Joan