Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 12

we had our 12 week visit this week. this is basically the visit where all the fun testing begins....pee in a cup, take 5 vials of blood, all that jazz. lovely. and other details i will spare you. but, on a much brighter note we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. i have never heard anything so amazing. i really don't quite know how to describe it, although hearing it made me seriously think about going and buying a doppler so we can listen to the heartbeat whenever we want. (and don't think tom and katie....i don't plan on getting a sonogram machine anytime soon). 12 weeks also marks nearing the end of the first trimester. it's a cool feeling to know that we've made it this far. we've seen the baby, we've heard it's heartbeat. i can't wait til our 20 week visit when we can have another ultrasound.

1 comment:

John said...

Well, let me be the first to congratulate you .... online at least. It is great to see my family members experiencing so much joy. When it comes to names or the room decoration I wont pretend to give advice, but I will say that the decorating of the room and the name both wont matter until the child is about 10 years old and can tell you how much they hate their room or name or how its your fault they arnt cool. I compare naming your child to picking a major/career. You go through about 3-4 that you are sure you love but once you try them on you cant believe your disgust with them. I say pick one you can yell down the stairs when something falls and breaks but you don’t want to go look. Or a name you can imagine being called out when they announce the valedictorian at Yale Law school.

I am very excited to know my kids will have a cousin that will be the same basic age so as to have someone to spend the holidays hiding from their parents with. Although I do not wish my sister any pain or hardship I have been praying for her to experience what a great joy a child can be.

I say good luck, and God bless.