Friday, May 4, 2007

Cord Blood

Since I started the week with the heavy topic of Quad tests, i figured i'd keep the trend going and talk about Cord Blood.

So, until we went to the doctor for the first time to find out we were expecting, I hadn't so much as even heard the term cord blood registry. Maybe I'm just clueless but I didn't even know such a thing existed or what it was. Our doctor didn't talk to us about it, but there we signs/brochures for it everywhere. I still haven't looked into it much, but here is what I have seen:

The most prevalent advertiser is Cord Blood Registry. But I am sure there are others (anyone know of any?) They have an impressive list of diseases that can be effectively treated utilizing stem cells from Cord Blood. They also have a nice listing of stories from real people.

All sounds great so far... now comes the cost. Medically speaking it's pretty unobtrusive, the blood is extracted from the umbilical cord, it is painless and takes only about 5 minutes. However, the cost is pretty high, and as far as I can tell few if any insurance companies cover the cost to extract and store the blood. It's about $1700 upfront and then about $125/year storage. While that is a lot of money, it's a drop in the bucket (what wouldn't you pay) if your child gets a disease that the blood could be used to save...

So it's a tough question... has anyone else thought about it yet... has anyone already done this or planning to?

Here are some others I just found with a quick google search:

There is also the discussion of Private vs. Public banks (with public banks being free to donate to, but you don't then control the blood or its use...i.e. its free, but your cord blood might not be there when you need it).... but we'll save that discussion for some other time.


Unknown said...

We did not bank our cord blood, but we did donate it. Jeremiah's aunt was very sick with cancer and somehow used cord blood from 2 different children. This was one of the factors that saved her life. After hearing this we knew there was no question about donating. All you have to do is get a kit at least 6 weeks before and bring it to the hospital. They do everything for you. It is totally free.
I know this is very different than banking, but I thought I would bring it up just in case you decided not to. Although, it's possilbe that you may be able to do both.

John said...

We didnt bank

John said...

Okay, so we didnt bank or donate and im sure its all well and good and if one has the time and money to do so it is a great idea. I would say that in my old school style of fatherhood billions of people are born and live before this came about. Could it help... Yes. Is it amazing to be able to save lives or help treat illness's this way... yes but with all the things people have to worry about with a new baby coming this is one that shouldnt weigh you down. Either do it or dont and move on. Preparing mentally and physically for a child is the task i remember being my cross to bare. Im not saying dont think about it, but i am saying it is lower on the priority list than picking out a diaper pail that actually traps the odor, or a baby tub for washing your child.