Thursday, August 23, 2007

Carpet is in

We got new carpet in the 2nd bedroom, so we were able to final clear out the kitchen of baby furniture. Still need to put some things together, but at least we don't have cribs and dressers in the kitchen any longer... Should be able to knock that out this weekend. Once we have the crib, and furniture all together, it's just some final decorations and we'll be all ready for the baby to arrive.

If anyone has some inside information on where I can buy 30-60 Records (yeah, the music kind) for $1 a piece (or cheaper) let me know... doesn't matte what they are, or what shape they are in, as they are going to be decoration, not used for music.

1 comment:

jprg4evr said...

The Goodwill behind Donato's in Bellevue has a bunch of records. Also, the St. Vincent de Paul's on Monmouth has records. Right next to St. Vincent de Paul's is a really good record store for buying vintage records. I'm betting that he has boxes of records that he wants to dispose of.