Tuesday, September 25, 2007

times are a changin'

is it a sign that i have a pretty sizeable belly when people start asking "how much longer?" rather than "how far along are you?"??? and when i say people, i mean pretty much everyone i come in contact with. the bagger at kroger, the lady at the gas station this morning, small children, etc. you name it, they've asked me. luckily, not too much longer. don't get me wrong, being pregnant has been fantastic. but having a baby WITHOUT this giant belly will probably be a little bit more rewarding. not to mention more comfortable.


Jessica said...

That's just another sign that you're closer to the finish line. Better to be asked that question now rather than earlier in you pregnancy, or to be asked how far along you are when you're out with you baby. That's a hard one to hear.

Katie said...

Any pics? Haven't seen you since Megan's wedding, and I would love to see an update to the "see how she grows" video. Hope all is well!